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Power Button Shutdown, Sleep, and Hibernate

Power Button Shutdown, Sleep, and Hibernate

When we run the computer running, we are first taught to turn on the computer. This is the only part of the CPU that is used every day to turn on the computer, that means your power button. But is it limited to the power button but to turn on the computer? It is true that most people use the power button only to turn on. But you can not only turn the computer on with the power button but you can do more, such as shutdown, sleep and hibernate .
What's the benefit from this? 
The biggest advantage of this is that the command given by you will be applied only by pressing a button, you do not have to command a mouse or key board to docomputer shutdown or hibernate . The power button is enough for all of them.

For windows 7 users -
  • Open Control Panel.
  • Select Power Options
  • Click on what the power button does.
  • Here you will see this in power button settings
  • "When I Press the power button" and there will be a dropdown menu in front of you where you will get options of shutdown, sleep and hibernate , select the action you want when pressing the power button and click on the Save Change button.
  • The next time you press the power button, it will work on the same action that you have selected. 


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